Helpful Tips for Adjusting to a New Move

Helpful Tips for Adjusting to a New Move.png

A move, whether it's a cross-country expedition or just down the street, can be stressful. Once you've sorted through all of your belongings, packed everything and actually moved into your new space, you may be finding it difficult to feel 'at home' at first. Things aren't where they used to be and it may not have your personal touch just yet. It's important to note that this is completely normal, and with a little help, you can start to feel comfortable calling this new place home. Here are some helpful tips for adjusting to a new move.

Unpack Everything

Making your space feel like yours is so important. That's why being sure to unpack all of your things can help you get settled and comfortable in no time. Leaving boxes laying around can create a feeling like you don't belong there yet, and no one wants to feel that way after a move. You may not have had a choice in moving or it may have been something you were planning on for a long time. Either way, it's time to make yourself comfortable, so start setting up your new home with all of your cherished possessions. This will help to make this adjustment easier and quicker.

Meet Your Neighbors

Whether you've just moved into a new condo or a smaller home, chances are there are going to be some new faces around that can't wait to meet you! Wave to your neighbors or start up a conversation with them as you're passing by. Getting to know who lives by you and your surroundings will allow you to feel more at ease in the space. Plus, you never know when your neighbor may need to drop by to borrow a cup of sugar! So don't be shy...being able to connect with your new neighbors can result in some new friends and experiences.

Establish a Routine

Your new space may seem foreign to you at the start, but one surefire way to make yourself more relaxed is by getting back into the swing of things. Most people are creatures of habit. We have our routine and we normally work best when we stick to it. Your routine may have changed a little or a lot, depending on the scope of your move, but getting back to it helps. You may even decide that it's time to add some new activities to your routine, such as:

  • Exercise

  • Gardening

  • Reading

  • Arts & crafts

  • Music

The important thing is to focus on getting back to normal and be willing to adjust, tailoring your routine around your new home.

No matter what age you are, moving is never easy, but these tips can help you get back in control and adjust properly to your new space. So, welcome home! Get excited for the new memories you're about to make in your new place.