Decluttering Help: More Tips & Tricks

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Last month, we went through some helpful advice about where to start in your decluttering efforts. After all, it can be a big undertaking when you're attempting to remove the clutter in your home. It seems as though stuff just keeps accumulating and all of a sudden, you feel overwhelmed with the state of your space. The good news is that there are ways to help make decluttering an easy and successful experience. In this month's segment, let's talk more about decluttering. Here are some more tips and tricks to help you get the results you need in your home.

Folders and Filing

Perhaps some of the most cluttered spaces are those which contain a lot of paperwork. Whether you attempt to use your office for most of your miscellaneous papers or you end up piling everything on the kitchen counter, the clutter can start to take over the area. Between important documents and random paperwork you get in the mail, finding a way to organize this stuff can be exhausting. Many people simply stuff their paperwork in a drawer somewhere, never to be found again, which is why having folders and a filing system in place can really help out in the home.

Create folders to organize your paperwork. Group it by the following:

  • Bills

  • Important records

  • Follow-up items

  • Miscellaneous

  • Receipts

Then, file these folders in a secure location, so that you can easily look back at them later, quickly finding the document you're searching for without the hassle.

“Maybe” Items

While you're cleaning up your space, you may come across items that you're not sure about and can't decide if you want to keep them or toss them. In these instances, experts recommend dedicating a box to these “maybe” items. Place all of the items that you're unsure about in the box and hide it away in a closet or spare room. In six months or so, go back through the items and see how you feel about them. If you've lost interest in keeping them, simply get rid of them. Many times, people just end up getting rid of the entire box!

Get Your Family On-Board

In order to be successful with decluttering, everyone in the household needs to understand why decluttering is important. If they're not on-board with your plan, your home will inevitably become cluttered again. Have a sit-down conversation with them and outline why decluttering is important to the efficiency of your household. This way, your family can help you to maintain a clutter-free home.

In the end, decluttering can be made easy by a few simple tips and tricks. The key is to stay organized and have a plan of action on how you're going to handle the decluttering process for your home. Stay vigilant in your efforts and your home will continue to function at its best for years to come.