Pro Tips for Hiring Help for Your Move

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If you're moving, chances are you have a lot to think about. From trying to get all of your belongings packed up to organizing professionals during the process, it can seem like a pretty overwhelming experience. A move is an important time in your life, no matter if you're relocating to another city or you're assisting a loved one with downsizing into a smaller space. If you've decided to hire help for your move, you're not alone. Many people opt to hire professionals to assist them with this daunting task. So, how do you know where to start when it comes to hiring quality help?

Here are our pro tips for hiring help for your move.

Get Organized

Life can get pretty hectic during a move, which can cause you to forget certain important steps during the whole ordeal. Our first tip is to get organized right away, so that you know what tasks you need to complete and what your timeline looks like to get everything done properly. Make a list of what you need to do, who you need to hire and when it all needs to happen. In getting organized right from the start, you can ensure that no task gets forgotten and your move goes as smoothly as possible.

Know Who to Hire

When you're moving, often the first professionals you think to hire are movers; however, there are a lot of pros available to assist you with a variety of your moving tasks. For instance, professional move managers can help you sort through your belongings, assisting you with what to keep and what to toss. Professional auction teams can help you find homes for items that may not be able to move with you, often earning you a profit at the same time. And moving professionals can help you pack up your things and physically move them to your new location. Depending on your situation, there can be a team of professionals behind you to ensure that you can move with ease.

Book Help Early

The last thing you want to do is settle for a moving company, simply because they were the only company that wasn't all booked up. This can be a disaster, especially if they don't understand the essence of your move. It's important to look closely at moving companies and find the right fit for your situation. Aspects to look for in quality moving and relocating professionals include:

  • Up-to-date insurance and licensing

  • Superior customer service skills

  • Good recommendations

  • No hidden fees

  • Clear contracts

You don't want to jump through hoops when it comes to hiring help for your move. That's why getting a plan in place, figuring out just what type of professionals you need to hire and choosing the best team for you is essential in guaranteeing the best possible moving experience.