What Happens When You Hire a Move Manager?

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The thought of moving can make anyone get a little apprehensive. After all, with everything that you've accumulated throughout the years, how can you possibly sort through it all, pack it and get it moved into your new home? Wouldn't it be nice to have someone who can take care of all this for you? Well, as it just so happens, these fairy godmothers are called 'Move Managers' and they are here to help with every aspect of moving. Here's what happens when you hire a move manager.

What Is a Move Manager?

First of all, what exactly does a move manager do and how are they an integral part of your moving process? With a move manager at the helm of your move, every item will be sorted and dealt with accordingly, so you know what you're keeping with you and what you're leaving behind. For the items that you're letting go of, they assist with either selling, donating or tossing these items to help you clear out your current space. As for the items that you're bringing along with you, they oversee the packing and unpacking of these items, so that everything is accounted for and moved safely and efficiently.

How a Move Manager Helps Your Moving Experience

Managing your move from start to finish, move managers not only guide you in the right direction regarding your items, they also help you plan out your new space to ensure a successful transition. This is especially helpful for those who are downsizing into a smaller space, as some of their belongings may not fit or they will have to be placed strategically. This will all be handled by your move manager, but don't worry, you'll be there every step of the way, ensuring that your floorplan suits you perfectly.

Not only does a move manager help you floorplan your new space, they also oversee moving day as well to be sure that all items are packed and moved with care. At reSettled Life, we even unpack all of your things and resettle you into your new home, so that your transition is as seamless as possible. Once you've been moved in successfully, you won't even have to worry about cleaning up all of the boxes and debris. Your move manager will watch over that process as well, so that all you have to do is focus on making your new house a home.

Benefits of Hiring a Move Manager

In addition to all of the services that they provide, you'll find that move managers offer irrefutable benefits, adding even more value and ease to your move, such as:

  • Experience in the moving process and what to expect.

  • Providing undeniable support during difficult transitions.

  • Helping to keep morale high and family conflicts to a minimum.

  • Saving time by streamlining the process.

When you have a seasoned move manager on your side, you can not only expect a better experience from beginning to end, you also get to enjoy your transition. Have the confidence you need with the help you're looking for by partnering with a move manager for your next move.