Stress Less This Holiday Season with These Top Tips

The air has a chill to it and you’re starting to notice a sprinkle of holiday cheer in the stores. The holidays will be here before you know it, which means now is the best time to get prepared. This time of the year can become stressful, especially if you’re not ready, but by completing a few tasks beforehand, you’ll be able to cruise into the holiday season stress-free and ready to celebrate the festivities. From the home to how you plan on shopping, we’ve got some ideas on how to maximize this wonderful time of the year. So, stress less this holiday season with these top tips.

Tip #1: Get Rid of Clutter

If you’re counting down the days until you can unbox your Christmas decorations, you may want to reign in your home’s everyday clutter first. Go through closets, drawers, dressers and cabinets, setting aside items you no longer use. This way, anything you do happen to accumulate during the holiday season has a place to go in your home and it’s not adding to the clutter that’s already there. It’s also a good idea to take stock of your holiday décor and get rid of anything you no longer use.

Tip #2: Drop Off Items at Your Local Donation Center

Items that are in good condition are appreciated at local donation and charity centers, so instead of tossing the items you decluttered from your space, donate them instead. This time of the year, especially, donation centers are looking for cold weather items, as well as toys, shoes and other necessities, so stop by and drop off some quality items the next time you’re running errands around town.

Tip #3: Consider Shopping from Auctions

The stores are about to get packed quickly with many people shopping for Christmas gifts, so avoid a stressful situation by choosing to shop from an online auction. Not only will you get to shop from the comfort of your home at a time that works for you, you’ll also be able to take advantage of unique finds, as well as much better prices…AND you get to avoid the crowds.

Tip #4: Add Organization Tools to Your Home

Along the same lines as decluttering, we recommend implementing organization into your home before the hectic holiday season begins. From pantry organizers to help you keep stock of ingredients for Thanksgiving dinner to closet organizers to help you find room for new items you received from loved ones for Christmas, there’s a tool out there to help you maintain order long after the holidays are over.

So, make this year the year you stress less during the holiday season. Enjoy the little things, like being with family and loved ones, enjoying the snow and creating memories that will last a lifetime.