Top Items to Donate

As the summer months roll on by, you may be struck with a sudden urge to declutter your space. After all, once school starts back up again and the autumn months make their debut, it’s only a matter of time until the holidays and a brand-new year! Time sure does fly, and if you’re perusing your home, taking stock of everything you’ve been accumulating lately, you may be thinking about tossing, selling and donating some items. Although it may be easy to throw a pile together of items to donate, it’s actually advised to go about this more methodically, so that you’re donating items that are needed in your area. When it comes to organizing your items, here are some of the top items to donate.

Cold Weather Gear

It may be hard to fathom right now, especially with these high temps and sunshine-filled days, but winter will be here before you know it and your local donation centers will be looking for quality winter items. From winter jackets and sweaters to gloves, hats, mittens and boots, if you have some spare items lying around your home, not being used, you may want to donate them. Keep in mind that items in good condition should be donated, not a rogue boot, ripped up jacket or other items that are well past their prime.


Do you have unopened shampoo, conditioner, soap and deodorant taking up space in your hall closet? You may have purchased the wrong brand of toothpaste for your kids and they refuse to use it, or you may have decided to use a different face wash, yet you have six of your old face wash products in the closet. Load them up and donate them to your local homeless shelter. They’re always on the lookout for toiletries.


Your kids may have outgrown some of their toys, but that doesn’t mean someone else can’t play with them again. If you have toys that are in good condition, consider donating them. This is especially helpful during the holidays when parents want to stick to their budget and don’t want to overspend at pricy toy stores.


This is another huge need at local homeless shelters. If you’re attempting to declutter your pantry, you may come across a slew of unopened items that you’re not going to use. As long as they’re unopened and haven’t reached their expiration date, it’s a great idea to donate them to local facilities who need extra food in their pantries.

Other Items to Donate

There are many ways to clear the clutter from your space and donating is one of the best. Other items you may consider donating include:

·         Baby supplies

·         Socks

·         Clothing

·         Reusable containers

·         Holiday décor

Knowing that you’re able to help someone else is a feeling that can’t be replicated. So, as you’re going through your home this summer, trying to figure out what stays and what goes, remember some of these items and consider donating them to your local facilities to help those in need.