Founder & Owner, Amy Wright Speaks at NKU Business Week

Our Founder and Owner, Amy Wright, had the privilege of speaking about her Founder’s story at the prestigious Business Week at Northern Kentucky University. Every year, NKU, Amy’s alma mater, hosts a Business Week through the Haile College of Business. Business Week has long been part of the Haile College of Business and their desire is to create linkages between students and the business community they serve. The annual event exposes students to valuable business centered presentations and networking opportunities with local employers. 

Amy is a product and proud graduate of NKU and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business. During her time there she was able to take some of the first entrepreneurship classes NKU had offered, well before it was a major or minor. 

In her presentation, Amy was able to speak about reSettled Life being started when she recognized a noticeable gap while helping her grandparents and family in the midst of their life transition. There were very few resources and none that offered a full-service approach to help families come alongside their loved ones to downsize, auction, and declutter. Amy recognized the need and wanted to help local families because she knows the struggle they are experiencing. 

Through the journey of starting reSettled Life, coupled with her degree and experience, Amy has learned invaluable lessons about entrepreneurship. Lessons such as not being afraid to take risks and to accept failures. Amy has learned more from her failures than she has with her successes. Those failures drive her to innovate and find new ways to create more effective processes for the company. Being an entrepreneur is about being a problem solver, thinking outside of the box, and being willing to take chances. It’s that very DNA why reSettled Life exists. We enjoy the opportunity to see how businesses can help people who are in need and we love how reSettled Life gets to be a part of people's lives. 

Amy Wright