Back-to-School Decluttering Tips

Whether your kids are gearing up to head back to school or your children have left the nest a while ago, now is the perfect time to get your home in order. We like to call this Back-to-School decluttering, which helps you clear up your space so that you don’t have to worry about it once autumn arrives and the holidays are hot on your heels. From getting rid of items you no longer use to making your space more manageable for you at this point in your life, these decluttering tips will help you enjoy your home even more, allowing you to create more memories within its walls. So, let’s dive into some of the top back-to-school decluttering tips you’ll want to adopt to ensure your home is operating at its peak.

Tip #1: Get Your Kitchen Back in Order

When you have kids, the kitchen and pantry areas are prime spots for them to congregate. Likewise, when you have grandkids, you’ll probably be seeing more of them in the summertime, and they too will congregate in your kitchen in search of snacks. Whether you’ve been entertaining the grandchildren or trying to keep your own kids occupied for the past couple of months, this area of the home will undoubtedly need to be reorganized. This way, once the kids go back to school and their schedules become hectic, you’ll be able to quickly locate important ingredients to whip up dinner and pack lunches with ease. On the flipside, once the grandkids aren’t spending as much time at your house, ensuring that your kitchen is back in order will help you get ready for the approaching holiday season.

Tip #2: Focus on Closets & Storage Areas

From clothes that don’t fit anymore to long forgotten science projects, closets are often filled with clutter, and the best time to clear this away is right now. You don’t need to have kids going back to school to clean out your closets. From old coats to clothes you no longer wear, getting these items out of your home and to the donation center (if they’re in good shape) will help you limit clutter in your home.

Tip #3: Consider Donating Toys & School Supplies

Grandparents tend to have extras lying around the house to accommodate the grandchildren, whether it’s some fun toys to play with while babysitting or helpful supplies to assist with a school project. Of course, parents also have an abundance of these items lying around the house. In both instances, taking some time now to go through items that the kids no longer use/need will help you free your space from clutter. Consider donating the following:

·         Pencils, pens, markers & other writing utensils

·         Binders & folders

·         Backpacks

·         Unused toys (in good condition)

·         Staplers, erasers, hole punchers & other school supplies

There’s always someone who could use these items if they’re not being utilized in your space. So, whether you have kids going back to school or not, now is the perfect time to get your space ready for the season ahead. This will allow you to truly enjoy the time spent in your home with loved ones, creating memories to last a lifetime.