Why Hire a Senior Move Manager

Wow, doesn't this look like an overwhelming and complicated mess?!? I have been asked, since starting this business, why someone would hire my company or a SMM to do something that they could easily do themselves. That's a good and fair question and one that I am sure many people are thinking.

When we talk about moving someone, most of us think "I've moved myself and my family before, I can do this move for my senior loved one myself too!" And you're right, you most certainly can, but there is more to the process when transitioning an older adult from their home of many decades and downsizing them to, most of the time, a much smaller residence. This isn't the same as moving your family from one certain square foot home to another of comparable size or larger, this is downsizing and with that comes some considerations that we usually haven't had to make before. 

The idea of even helping research and visit senior communities or nursing homes can be a daunting situation in and of itself. When you add to that the many other tasks involved, from floor planning the new residence to coordinating the move, to unpacking and then having an entire home to sort through, the hours of your time add up quickly. And then there is the actual personal property that is in the home. What do you do with it? Where can you take it? How do you even start sorting through your loved ones' lifetime of treasures that hold so many memories?

This is where reSettled Life can help. We have been trained in each aspect of the senior transition experience. We have contacts and referrals that can help make the process a smooth one, hopefully turning a move that might not be eagerly wanted to one that brings peace and comfort for everyone involved. And we can handle the personal property, not outsource it, with our abilities and knowledge as a licensed auctioneer, giving the family the added benefit of making money that can go toward the new care their senior loved one will be needing. 

Our motto "Getting You Back To What Really Matters" stems from the thought that your time is valuable and when the decision has been made that your loved one needs more care than you can offer, we want you to be spending your time with them, not on the tedious and time-consuming details of their stuff. Or if you have recently suffered the loss of your senior loved one and are left with their home and possessions, we can help make decisions and give you peace of mind that everything in their personal estate will be handled with professionalism and respect. Let us shoulder the responsibility and utilize our training and passion to serve, so you can focus on what really matters.