reSettling Life's Treasures - Milk Glass

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Milk glass can be a beautiful addition to many collections. It's smooth, milky appearance gives it an air of class and sophistication, perfect for many collectors to showcase in their homes. When it comes to starting your collection, there are a few key points to keep in mind. Finding the perfect pieces that add to your collection is important and finding those that are antiques can sometimes be a challenge if you don't know what you're looking for when you're at a shop or an online auction. If you've got questions, here's your guide to collecting milk glass.

Milk Glass Facts

Originating in 16th century Venice, this opaque or translucent milky white glass, otherwise known as milk glass, could be blown or pressed into various shapes. These shapes include:


·       Vases

·       Serving trays

·       Bowls

·       Cups

·       Pitchers

·       Salt & pepper shakers


Milk glass can also come in a variety of colors, including pinks, blues and yellows. Victorians named it milk glass, due to its resemblance to porcelain, and many antique pieces are still available today.

How to Know If a Piece is Valuable

A genuine antique dates back at least 100 years, and when it comes to milk glass, look for what's called a “Ring of Fire” when held up to the light. This means that you'll be able to see a ring of iridescent reds, greens and blues. Keep in mind that if your piece doesn't show this, it doesn't mean that it's not an antique. Some pieces have this effect, while others simply do not. Another way to tell if your piece is an antique is its texture. Antique milk glass has a silk-like texture, while more modern pieces have a grainy feel.

Milk Glass Markings

It's important to look at the marking on the bottom of the piece to best discern where it came from and if it's valuable. There are certain patterns that can be included on an antique piece, such as a daisy, holly, hobnail or stars. There may even be an inscription of where the piece was made that you can look up to gain more information about the particular piece. There are many places to learn more about milk glass online and also in libraries, so that you can find the best pieces for your growing collection.

Your Milk Glass Collection

Finding the right pieces for your collection depends on your unique style and what you're looking for in a piece. You may choose a piece simply for its beauty, while other collectors look specifically for valuable items.Milk glass has an unmatched and timeless beauty that fits in with virtually any style in the home, and these classic pieces are perfect for any collector, whether seasoned or just starting out.