How Seniors Can Get Involved During the Holidays

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During the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, many seniors want to be involved, seeking opportunities to stay active and help the community. It's the most wonderful time of the year, and there are many options for seniors who wish to get involved this holiday season. Whether it's cuddling puppies at the local animal shelter or serving meals to the less fortunate, seniors have a valuable place in society, especially during the holidays. Here's how seniors can get involved during the holidays.

Greeters & Gift Wrappers

Many stores hire extra help during the holiday season. After all, with all of the extra traffic in the store and the need for more merchandise, extra sets of hands are always welcome. Seniors are perfect additions to the holiday team. Not only do they help out the store, they can also get in the holiday spirit and stay active. Many stores hire for greeters to welcome eager holiday shoppers into the store, and it's a perfect way for seniors to bring cheer to others. The great thing about most greeting jobs is that you have the option to sit or stand, so if standing for long periods of time isn't possible, it's not a problem to have a seat and still get the job done.

 Department stores, especially, tend to offer gift wrapping services during the holidays, and what better way for seniors to get involved than helping shoppers wrap their gifts? Spread a little holiday cheer this year and help out your local retail community.

Bell Ringers

The Salvation Army has thousands of bell ringers stationed throughout the country, making this another great way for seniors to get involved during the holidays and be a part of a good cause. Mostly placed at grocery stores, small shops and shopping plazas, Salvation Army bell ringers not only help members of the community get involved, they also aid the less fortunate. Again, if standing for long periods of time isn't possible, there's no problem with having a seat while you're helping to bring joy to others during the holidays.

Other Volunteering Opportunities

Non-profit organizations are always looking for volunteers, no matter what time of the year it is, making this another perfect way for seniors to get involved. Organizations to consider include:

·       Local animal shelters

·       Hospitals

·       Big Brothers Big Sisters

·       Local meal programs

 Volunteering is not only a rewarding experience, it helps to increase morale, while giving back to the community. A little bit goes a long way, so find an organization that you're passionate about and see if they need some extra help. Chances are, they'll welcome you with open arms.

Seniors and the Holidays

The holidays can be a challenging time for seniors, especially those who may not have many family members nearby. In getting involved with the local community, it brings a sense of purpose and joy to the lives of many. It also helps seniors stay active and positive during the holiday season. If you're wanting to get involved, take a look around. You may be surprised at how many organizations are in need of some extra help this holiday season.