3 Telltale Signs That Downsizing Is in Your Future

Have all the kids gone to live on their own? Maybe it’s just you in a big house and you’re wondering whether or not it’s the right time to consider downsizing. After all, wouldn’t it be nice to have a smaller place to take care of, with less cleaning and maintenance? Downsizing can be difficult, especially when you have made so many fantastic memories in the family home, but it may be necessary for you. From being able to get around better to enjoying the perks of living in a smaller space, downsizing comes with a host of benefits you may not have thought about before. Here are three telltale signs that downsizing is in your future.

Sign #1: You’re Not Living Out of the Entire House

You may walk around your house and notice that more and more rooms are empty, or they’re quickly piling up with junk. The kids may have flown the coop and their rooms sit vacant, causing you to have way too much space than you’re currently able to live out of, which is one of the first signs that it’s time to downsize. If you’re not living out of the entire home, finding a space that suits your needs better is highly advised. After all, who wants to keep all of those rooms clean and maintained when they’re not being used? Downsizing will help you find the amount of space that meets your needs, so that upkeep is easier and you’re able to keep clutter to a minimum.

Sign #2: It’s Getting More Difficult to Maintain Your Home

As we age, things become more difficult; it’s just the nature of getting older. Your home may sit on a beautiful expanse of land, which requires regular maintenance that you may not be able to perform anymore. As we mentioned above, cleaning can also become a problem, especially if there are many rooms in the home that need to be taken care of. Another thing you will need to consider is getting around the home. Stairs may begin to pose a problem for safety and mobility, which means that it’s time to find a safer space for you to enjoy your time.

Sign #3: Expenses Are Adding Up

A larger home comes with more expenses than a smaller residence. Between heating your home in the winter and cooling it in the summer, plus property taxes and other expenses, it may start to become more difficult to afford your home, especially if you’re on a fixed income. Downsizing into a smaller home comes with fewer maintenance costs, and it’s also more affordable to heat and cool. You’ll be able to have more money left over each month to spend on activities with your family or a trip to see old friends.

Knowing that you need to downsize can take some time, but when you consider these signs, it can be unavoidable for many people as they age. The good news is that you’re able to make new memories in your new space, a space that perfectly aligns with your needs. This makes it easy to say yes to downsizing and getting to enjoy your retirement years in a space that works for you.