Top Tips for Decluttering Your Garage

The garage is a tricky space. After all, it’s so spacious that it’s tempting to place all of the items you don’t use there, so that they’re not cluttering up the house. You may do this so often, that now your garage can’t even serve its purpose. There’s no way you’re getting a car to fit in this space now that it’s all stacked with boxes and junk that you probably don’t need, but you may be so overwhelmed that you don’t even know how to start clearing it out. Decluttering the garage can take some work, but it doesn’t have to be daunting.

Here are some of the top tips for decluttering your garage.

Clean Out the Space

This may take a few extra sets of hands and a weekend where you don’t have too much planned, but this is a crucial element of the process. Start by making a couple of piles, including items you want to keep and items you want to toss. Then, within the items you want to toss, set aside anything that may be in good condition that you could sell or donate. Consider having a garage sale to get all of the excess stuff out of the area, so that you’re able to start with a clean, fresh space.

Plan It Out

You’ll want to get a plan together for how you’re going to fit the items you’re keeping into this space. Start by asking yourself, “Does this belong here?” If there is a better spot to store this item elsewhere, be sure to move it. Once you have all of the items that belong in the garage, you’ll be able to envision where you’d like to store them. We recommend storing similar items in the same vicinity, so that you’re able to locate them quickly. For instance, spare paint from the house should go along with painting supplies, car supplies should be kept together, so on and so forth.

Invest In Storage Tools

Shelving can go a long way in the garage, especially if it gets items up off of the floor, making room for vehicles. From overhead storage to bins and boxes, shelving to storage cabinets, when there’s a will to stay organized, there’s a way in which to achieve it. Other helpful organization tips include:

·         Labeling all storage areas accordingly

·         Using pegboards for hanging items

·         Incorporating a workbench to keep tools/home projects organized

Depending on your space, you may have more options when it comes to storage or you may be limited. That’s why it’s advised to clear the space out first, so that you can see what kind of room you have to work with. You may want to rent a storage unit temporarily, while you’re organizing your space and installing the necessary organizational tools.

Maintain Organization in the Garage

In keeping up with periodic maintenance, you’ll be able to fight off clutter in the garage. Remember, although you may be tempted to fill this area with stuff, it’s important to remain organized and declutter often, so that you’re left with a space that’s functional, as well as safe.