Decluttering Tips For Your Retirement Move

Retirement is a pivotal and exciting time in your life. The possibilities of where to go and what to do with your time are endless. Are you or a loved one planning on a big retirement move? If so, you are not alone. Approximately 40 percent of people move after they retire for a variety of reasons. Some of the most popular reasons for a big move after retirement are moving closer to family, warmer weather, lower taxes, cost of living, and housing costs. 

If this is the season of life you find yourself in, we’re here to help by offering decluttering tips to prepare for your big retirement move.

First up is to get started. It’s that simple. Often the anticipation is worse than actually doing it. Start as soon as possible to be sure to give yourself plenty of time without feeling rushed or overwhelmed.

Concentrate on one room at a time. If taking on the task of your entire home feels daunting just take one step at a time. You are more likely to complete the process if you break it up into smaller, more manageable tasks. 

The third tip is to put it on the calendar. Be sure to carve out space in your schedule for sorting and organizing your things. Mapping out what you want to accomplish beforehand will help you reach your goal.

Single out the sentimental.  It can be hard to sort through your possessions without feeling an emotional attachment to them. Here are three questions that will go a long way in helping you decide what you’re keeping and what you’re not: Does this item have memories that are cherished? Is it something that’s been passed down for generations? Can I emotionally do without it? 

Gift the things you no longer need. There are bound to be sentimental items that won’t fit into your new home. By gifting them to family and friends now you will be able to see your loved one actually enjoy your item. The receiver will benefit and feel special that you intentionally thought of them. It’s a win-win! 

We hope these practical tips will be helpful as you navigate decluttering and sorting through cherished memories. Say goodbye to clutter and items you don’t need and say hello to retirement and making fond memories! 

Amy Wright