New Year & New Space

The new year is the perfect time to declutter your home! It offers a fresh start and a clean slate to make your home work for you. If you feel overwhelmed when you walk into a room, feel like your space is too small, or have a hard time finding things, decluttering could be a great next step for you. We thought it would be helpful to share 15 items to donate or toss to get rid of the clutter.

It’s been proven that by picking a specific number for your decluttering helps you stay motivated and focused. Decluttering also feels more approachable when you take it room by room. 


Expired food- This may sound overly simple but often it can be overlooked and take up space. Try to weekly go through your fridge, pantry, and cabinets to throw out expired food. You will have so much freed up space.

Old pots and pans- If you are still holding on to old pots and pans that are supposed to be non-stick but are chipped and scratched, it’s best to toss them and get new ones.

Plastic bags- Even though plastic bags can be reused and repurposed, they can also take up space. Bring them into your local grocery store to see if they can recycle them. It will be better for the environment and will free up your space.


Expired medications- You may be surprised how quickly medicine can expire until suddenly you have an entire cabinet in your bathroom that is filled with expired medications. This also includes topical creams, first aid supplies, and any toiletry item. Go through and toss all those expired items and your bathroom cabinets will be freed up.

Makeup and perfume- You aren’t done with your medicine cabinet and cupboards just yet. Makeup expires every one to two years and perfume expires every three to five years. Toss these items for more room in those cupboards.

Old Towels- Towels that have holes, rips or stains can be donated to your local animal shelter. 

Living Room

Board games- If your board games are missing pieces or collecting dust, you should toss them. You will be freeing up living room space you could enjoy with family and friends. 

Under and behind the couch- Do a good sweep under and behind your couch. Toss all the trash and do a deep clean with a vacuum and broom. 

Junk mail- It’s time to go through your junk mail pile that is sitting on that shelf. Sort through the mail to keep what you need and then recycle and shred the rest. 


Shoes- Time to dive into the closet. If you have two pairs of the same shoe, old shoes that have seen better days or smelly sneakers, it’s time to throw them out or donate shoes that are in good condition. Your closet floor will thank you!

Clothes- If you have clothes that are too big, too small, or have been holding on to that bin of clothes from your high school days, it’s donatation time. If you haven’t worn something in one year, it’s a good rule of thumb that you won’t wear it in the future and should donate it to a charity that could benefit people in need. 

Undergarments and socks- Do you have socks with holes or socks where you still can’t find the mate? If anything has holes or is overworn, it’s time to toss them and make space for things you will be more comfortable in.

Pens and markers- Sort through your pen drawer and throw out any dried up markers and pens, markers without caps or scrap pieces of paper. Don’t stop there, keep organizing your desk by recycling papers you don’t need.

Old printer cartridges- Instead of buying new printer cartridges, better the environment and opt for getting them refilled at an office supply store. You will save money and free up space.

Old craft supplies- Craft supplies can be a clutter culprit. You often don’t realize how much you have until you start sorting through it. If you haven’t used those buttons, glitter, or zig zag scissors in a year, you should donate them. 

This is a simplified list of breaking down decluttering room by room. Embrace the new year by decluttering your home. You don’t want to feel bogged down by your belongings but rather relaxed and at ease in your home. We are here to help you every step of the way. 

Amy Wright